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Gems are precious stones which are loaded with specific energies. Gems may take in different colored rays and filter them all, but finally they keep a specific ray only. For example, Ruby is a gem in Dark Red color. This gem will filter all other colors except Red, which is accumulated into it. When we wear Ruby, we get the Red colored rays being absorbed into our body, and hence the effect of these rays will produce certain results. It has been experimentally proved that the Red color increases Will-power, Anger, Dynamism, Blood flow, and the Soul is strengthened. So, it is better if the people with a lack of confidence and with feelings of inferiority wear this gem.

  • Ruby: Ruby is generally available in dark red, and glows like morning sun. Wearing a Ruby protects a person from afflictions of Sun, heart weakness, headaches, general ill health, eye troubles, blood pressure etc.
  • Pearl: It is in white colour with a streak of oceanic blue. Wearing a pearl protects a person from diseases of lungs and stomach, water-borne diseases, emotional problems, and impulsive decisions
  • Coral: A good coral will be red in colour. It is used to get rid of skin diseases, fevers, accidents, abortions, burns and enmity with others. A Coral increases practicality, quickness in doing the things and vigor.
  • Yellow Sapphire: It would be yellow or white in colour. Yellow is preferred. It is used to get the grace of God, children, education, and high position in job or business. It is used to get success in legal problems, digestion and liver problems.
  • Blue Sapphire: This is in dark blue or black in colour. Nervous problems, delays, serious ill health, diseases of teeth, ears, rheumatism, aging, problems in service and business can be controlled by wearing a Blue Sapphire.
  • Emerald: This gem is in green colour, causing the power of intelligence, presence of mind, right decisions in business, communication, speculation, scientific education. It can be worn to escape from madness, stammering, and nervous problems.
  • Diamond: This is a very precious stone with bright white colour. Delays in marriage, bad married life, diseases of reproductive system, lack of luxuries in life can be overcome by using a diamond. Hardness of diamond: 10, Specific gravity: 3.52, Refractive index: 2.4175.
  • Hessonite: This is in honey color and eliminates problems like cholera, dysentery, hallucinations, and problems from evil spirits.
  • Cat’s eye: This is in white color with a circular band around in grass color. It alleviates problems like paralysis, contaminated diseases, infections, intestinal disorders and increases religious nature in a person.

Any gem should be purified and then loaded with positive vibrations of concerned planet, by chanting the relevant Mantra during a period of time. Then it should be worn in a ring to a suitable finger of right hand on an auspicious day. But first of all take the help of an Astrologer to determine which gem is suitable for you. Keep in mind that if you wear an unsuitable gem, you are inviting more problems.

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