Vedic Astrology

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Dr.Anoop Kumar Jaiswal is Great Vedic Astrologer. Vedic Astrology is another popular study which has been into trend since ancient times is around 5000 years old. Rig Veda, the oldest of 4 Vedas among Hindu culture, is said to be the originating glimpse of this astrological science. It is influenced from planets and stars thereby predicting future.

Indian Astrology is also known as Indian Vedic Astrology or Vedic Astrology. Vedic Astrology can be defined as the science explains in details the planetary movements and positions in respect to day and time, and their effects on 12 zodiac signs that influence the personality traits of humans. In short, it depends on the correct positions of the zodiacal fixed sun signs in regards to the place/location on the earth at given point of time.

Astrology being the broader term, Vedic Astrology is the term used for Indian or Hindu Astrology system. Originating over thousands of years ago, ‘jyotish vidya’ as it was known as, was documented by Maharishi (learned sages) across the ages in the Hindu scriptures. The term Jyotish means the science of light. It is very apt as Vedic astrology deals in astral light patterns that reflect our destiny and future.

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